5 Tips for staying hydrated in the office this summer



Are you finding it difficult to stay focused at work this summer? Well, just maybe you are not drinking enough water! Check out our five easy tips for summer hydration success:   hydrated

1. Make your water more exciting

Turn your average glass of water into a revitalising treat by adding a squeeze of orange. This will also provide your body with an excellent source of Vitamin C. You could try adding some crushed fresh mint leaves instead.  

2. Add some flavoured ice cubes

Nothing quenches your thirst like a glass of iced water. Why not spice it up by making some flavoured ice cubes? Strawberries, blueberries and kiwi are all good options.  

3. Download an app

Drinking water keeps your mind clear and focused on the task at hand. Apps such as Daily Water helps you track the amount of fluid you drink and reminds you to drink water at the right time.  

4. Get yourself a water bottle

Use a pen to mark time goals for yourself on the bottle. For example, by 10am you will aim to drink a quarter of the bottle. This is a good way of working out how many litres of water you are drinking on a daily basis.  

5. Eat your water

Do you find it difficult to drink your daily water recommendation? Then how about eating foods that will aid hydration, such as cucumber and lettuce?