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We've given the guys and gals at Eden some time to get into the Biggest Loser competition, and it's now week 5 – this far through there's no excuses, we want everyone to be making changes towards a healthier lifestyle! And they've all responded brilliantly with some great achievements; Susan Muir and Denise Chisholm in particular losing a great amount of weight since the competition began. They're in pole position to win the SodaStream drinks machine, but can they keep it up for the rest of the Biggest Loser challenge? Loser challengers, have you found the going tough? Fellow Eden staff, have you been impressed by their efforts? Or are you on snack-watch, waiting for their resistance to break? Check back next week to find out how they're all doing!
Loser nameTotal weight lossSusan Muir7.69%Denise Chisholm6.91%John Thornton4.15%Sally Bartholomew3.88%Clair Demellweek1.47%Lesley McWilliams0.40%Sharon Brady0.33%Valerie Little0.00%