New Year's resolutions that will 'perk up your workplace'


Does your workplace need a fresh outlook for the New Year?  Well, you know what they say – a new year is the perfect opportunity to make some changes. So, why not try setting some New Year's resolutions for yourself and your colleagues to make your office a happier place to work? Feeling stuck? Here are some of our top suggestions:


1. Say 'hello' to your colleagues and get to know them better

Why? This creates a positive and more relaxed working environment.

2. Offer to make someone a cup of tea or coffee more often

Why? It's nice to be nice and who doesn't appreciate a good cuppa!

3. Drink eight glasses of water a day

Why? Not only is water good for your health, but staying hydrated also increases productivity.

4. Give regular encouragement and praise to your colleagues

Why? Going out of your way to support others helps team members feel valued and appreciated.

5. Clean your desk once a week

Why? Cleaning your workspace can help clear your mind and rid yourself of distractions.

6. Take frequent breaks

Why? Walking around and getting some fresh air will help to clear your mind; no one can be productive 100% of the time.

7. Be more sociable

Why? If you and your colleagues can laugh and feel relaxed with each other, this will be sure to make the office a happier place to work.

8. Drink more coffee

Why? It is a well known fact that drinking coffee increases productivity and concentration.