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We continually hear about the latest and greatest methods of making ourselves beautiful – everything from anti-aging creams to medical procedures touted to be the next miracle. But did you realize that something as simple and widely available as the water you drink from your water dispensers could be the best beauty aid in your arsenal of products? Here are several ways that water makes you prettier, younger, and healthier. Drink up The first, and perhaps most obvious, way that water promotes beauty is by preventing dehydration. Our skin is comprised of 70 percent water! Obviously, it takes a great deal of water to keep it properly lubricated. Another way that water makes us look better is by functioning as the body’s cleanser to eliminate toxins. All of the body’s organs require water to function optimally and if just one of those organs is deprived of the necessary amount of water, it will appear as a visual sign of poor health. For best results, drink an absolute minimum of two to three litres of water each and every day to provide inner hydration. Tip: Start each day with a glass of water to which you’ve added a squirt of fresh lemon juice. The lemon juice is a food and that’s your body’s signal to eliminate waste. You’ll get rid of extra weight and toxins right away! Cleanse What about outer hydration? Although there are a myriad of products on the market today made for cleansing your skin, when it comes down to it, water is the best cleanser available. Soaps wick moisture from your skin and upset its innate PH balance. Water, on the other hand, is a natural substance that won’t interfere with your skin’s production of lubricants. Ninety five percent of each skin cell is comprised of water; doesn’t it make sense to use that same substance to cleanse it? Tip: When it comes to cleansing your body, cool or lukewarm water in your shower or bath is best. Follow your plain water cleanse with a moisturizer (which most likely contains water as the major ingredient) to prevent drying. Water for your hair When you’re having a bad hair day, count on water to come to the rescue! For a carefree, wavy style, dampen your hair, apply styling gel, then twist small sections into coils secured with hair pins (or use foam rollers). The water helps “set” your locks into the shape you desire. If it’s not your day to shampoo but you need a style pick-up, try spritzing water on the ends of your hair (not the roots as that will flatten your style) to reactivate the styling agents you applied the previous day. Tip: Heat can strip artificial colour from your hair. If you dye your hair, use only lukewarm or cool water when washing it so the colour doesn’t fade too quickly. Water is more than just a life force necessary for health; it helps you look your best, too. Water is the original, all-natural beauty aid! Image: pshutterbug/Flickr